Step 12: The PennKey login page will appear. Step 11: In the company domain text box, enter “pennmedicine”. You can use ALT-TAB to scroll through open programs, click the web browser icon in the bar at the bottom of the screen, or minimize the current browser window. Note: If you do not see a browser window appear, check to see if the window is hidden behind your open browser. Scroll down in the window to find the “Sign in with SSO” option. Step 10: A small web browser window will pop up. Step 9: You may receive a message stating “Zoom wants to display a new window.” If you do, click “Allow”. Click the Zoom icon to see the option to add a Zoom meeting to your meeting invite.

Step 8: The menu bar across the top of the meeting invite will now have a Zoom icon. Click “X” again to close the “Manage Add-ins” window. Step 7: Click the “X” to close the window. Click the “Add” button to confirm you want to add Zoom to your Outlook client. Step 6: A screen with more details on the Zoom add-in will appear. Step 5: The “Add-ins for Outlook” window will appear. Across the top menu of the meeting invite window, locate the “…” option all the way to the right.

Step 4: A new meeting invite window will appear. Step 3: In the upper left corner, click the “New Event” button located above the monthly calendar view. Step 2: In the Outlook Web Client, switch to the calendar view. Step 1: Access the Web Outlook Client by following your regular steps. This document outlines the steps for installing and configuring the Zoom Plugin for Microsoft O365 web client.